I lost my grandmother in September 2019, and made the best art I have ever made in my entire life. I made a series called "In the Mourning." It's an obvious play on the words "morning" and "mourning". I was mourning and my grandmother would always call first thing in the morning. But now that she's gone I do not get that daily morning phone call.
This series helped me to cope with her death. Constantly doing work while trying not to think about her being dead, fueled my imagination with beautiful images and abstract paintings.
We all have different ways as to how we deal with death. Art was mines.
It is Christmas Day, and I finally worked up the courage to write this blog post. I meant to write it months ago, but couldn't. It was too soon. Too fresh. It still is. And on Christmas of all days. But I felt her move on me, and knew it was time.
I had been gone for a while, but I'm back now. It will still take time to heal, but overall I'm mostly back. Her present to me was her constant motivation of never giving up. So I won't.
My present to her, though she can not physically see it, is my exhibition "In the Mourning", dedicated to her.
This series will contain moving images, still photography, voice recording, and digital paintings. Coming January 2020. A preview of the series is below.